This discussion is based on: Blazer et al., 2015; Peters, 2006; Understanding Dementia
video; Reducing your Risk Factors video; MIND Diet video.
– Read – Blazer et al. (2015) and Peters (2006)
– Video: Understand dementia:
– Reducing your risk factor:
– MIND Diet
For the “3-2-1” post and reply, students are expected to post the following information
on the discussion board for each week:
● 3 concepts you learned from the readings/videos/audio (3 sentences total;
2 point each)
○ Ie. what was something you found interesting? What is something new
you learned?
○ Please post well-thought responses. An example of a well-thought
response: “I learned that dementia is an umbrella term to describe
subtypes of cognitive impairment that cause impairment in daily
functioning.” An example of a poorly thought response: “I learned what
dementia means.”
● 2 questions you have about the readings/videos/audio (2 sentences total; 2
points each)
○ What continues to pique your curiosity after completing the reading,
watching the video, or listening to the audio? What questions did the
reading/video/audio not answer for you?
○ Please post well-thought questions. An example of a well-thought
question: “Isolation may become a problem for older adults, but what are
the best way for them to make friends?” An example of a poorly thought
question: “Old people are lame. Anyone agree?”
○ Please do not edit your questions once you have posted them, as this will
confuse other students who have/have not replied to a post and myself
during the grading process.
● 1 reply to peer
○ Make your best attempt to answer one question posted by a peer. When I
say best attempt, I mean that your answer is not graded for being right or
wrong. Some questions may not even have a right answer. Therefore, you
are expected to use the knowledge you have to answer the question.
Make it brief!
○ For example, if I were to answer this question: “Isolation may become a
problem for older adults, but what is the best way for them to make
friends?” I could say, “I think a good way for older adults to make friends
would be to go to a gym for seniors and take exercise classes. At the gym
I go to there is a walking group for seniors called Silver Sneakers. –
seems to be quite popular.”