Club Ready Level 3

Discipline: Fitness

Type of Paper: Question-Answer

Academic Level: Undergrad. (yrs 3-4)

Paper Format: APA

Pages: 1 Words: 275


Where would you go to setup when a past due invoice goes into collections status?
• Setup> Sales> General Settings> Late Pays

Where can you adjust when a member is past due?
• Setup> Sales> General Settings> Late Pays

How do you edit what happens to Amenities / Booking / Credit Handling for Past Due Customers?
• Setup> Sales> General Settings> Late Pays

Where can you set up where to Automatically Add Late Payment Fees?
• Setup> Sales> General Settings> Late Pays

Where can you set up the Late Fee Sales Tax Rate?
• Setup> Sales> General Settings> Late Pays

Where can you set up the Returns / NSF Payment Fee?
• Setup> Sales> General Settings> Late Pays

Where can you edit what happens to Session Credits Tied To Returned Payments?
• Setup> Sales> General Settings> Late Pays

Where can you find when a member goes into 3rd Party Status?
• Setup> Sales> General Settings> Late Pays

Where can you set the Minimum Past Due Days Before Manually Can Force To 3rd Party
• Setup> Sales> General Settings> Late Pays

How do I force a member into 3rd party?
Members>Look Up Member>Agreements>Copy Agreement #> Force Third Party Tab

How do we find members in 3rd Party?
Members>In the filter section Click All and 3rd Party under No Misc. Filters

Where do we go to manage a 3rd party agreement?
Members>Look up Member> Agreement>Full Details>Change 3rd Party Status

When is it appropriate to use the settlement option when changing a 3rd party status?
When a payment through outside agency has been made.

What happens when you settle a 3rd party payment?
You drop an invoice.

What is the difference between Reinstate button and the reinstate under change party status?
The reinstate button gives you more options when reinstating the agreement.
  • auto-renew
  • membership expiration

Where would you go to find a list of the members that are past
Reports>Sales>Past Dues

Where would you go to see why an invoice was declined?
Reports>Sales>Declines Charges Log

Where would you find a list of payments that were returned/refunded?

Where would I find a list of members who are past due with their first electronic funds transfer?
Reports>Sales>First EFT Past Due

Where do I find a list of members thatare in 3rd party collections within a certain time frame?
Reports>Sales>Third Party Collections

What type of person can be added asan associated member?
A prospect or an inactive member

Can all packages have an associated member attached to it.
No, it is based on package settings.

How can I add an associated member to a main members account?
Look Up Member>All Detail>Billing>Associated Members

Where can I find a list of members another club member referred?
  • Members>All Detail>General>Referred Members
  • Reports>Members>Referred Members

How do you assign a primary trainer to a club member?
Look up the member>All Details>Bookings>Assign a Primary Trainer

Why would you assign a primary trainer for a member?  
To keep in mind who they prefer to take classes/sessions with. 

Where can I find a list of new paying members?
Reports>Members>New Members

Where do I find a list of members who are assigned to trainers?
Reports>Members>Trainer Client Count

Where do I find a list of people members referred to the club?
Reports>Members>Referred Members

Where would I assign/reassign prospects to a staff member?
Reports>Staff>Prospects Assigned

Where can I update 3rd party contact information on products that are sold in the club. 

Where can you go to make a product/category commissionable?
Setup>Products>Products Catagories

Where can you enable/adjust the price of inventory.

Where can I edit the categories inventory is placed in?
Setup>Products>Products>Select the Product>Catagories

Where do you go to manually adjust inventory manually.

When can I find out who has made changes to the inventory?
Reports>Products>Inventory Change Log

Where can you go to order inventory?
Reports>Products>Vendor Order

Where do you go to adjust inventory in bulk?
Reports>Products>Bulk Inventory Adjust

How do I bulk adjust inventory?
Export the inventory>Adjust the inventory in excel>save as a CSV on desktop>upload in Bulk Inventory Adjust

Where can I create custom categories?
Setup>Members>Custom Catagories

When you create a custom category, where will those categories show up?
  • When a prospect is added (if turned on)
  • in members account (member>general>edit profile)

Where can you create a custom field that is not provided by CR by default?
Setup>Members>Custom Fields

Where can a club add additional terms and conditions.
Setup>Members>Login Area Terms

Where can you add a 1st log in pop up message.
Setup>Members>First Login Help

How do I save a filter?
Look up>Filter>Select filter(s)>Click "save"

How do I send a email/test to those who have Opted out?
Lookup>Filter Button>No Misc. Filters>check mark "send email blast even to people who have opted out from emails" and check mark for ok in red box.

Where can I check to see edit/see amenities a member has?
Member>All Detail>General>Amenities

Where do I go to merge two accounts?
Member>All Detail>General Merge Two Member Profiles *Be in the account you want to keep*

How can I delete a member?
Member>All Detail>General>Delete a Member

In order to delete a member, the member cannot...
be active

How you add an announcement?

How can I add a topic to be discussed in the discussion forum?
Setup>Communication>Discussion Forums

Where can a staff member be automatically notified about certain reports?
Setup>Communication>Internal Rports

Where can I cancel a email blast that was sent?
Reports>Communications>Live Send Queue

Where would I find a history of emails that were sent?
Reports>Communication>Bulk Email History

Where can I go to see if a member received an email?
Reports>Communication>User Email History

Where Can I go to see system emails that were sent out and who received them?
Reports>Communication>Email Metrics

Where can I setup/modify the health history form?
Setup>Wellness>Health History Form

Where can I modify/turn on/off what questions are needed when doing a fitness evaluation?
Setup>Wellness>Fitness Evaluation

Where can a staff member create their own exercises?
Setup>Wellness>Manage Exercises

Where can a club set up the the dietary defaults for members?
Staff>Wellness>Dietary Defaults

Where does the dietary defaults show for the club members?
In their portal

Where can you create a custom journal log?
Setup>Wellness>Default Custom Logs

Where can a club create food favorites for members to log? 
Setup>Wellness>Food Favorites

How can a club re include articles that were excluded?
Setup>Wellness>Excluded Articles

How can a club exclude a wellness article?
Reports>Articles>Choose an Article>Exclude Article

Where does a club weigh the amount of automatic leads a staff type gets?
Setup>Automation>Lead Assignment

Where can a club add lead rule
Setup>Automation>Lead Rules
What are lead rules?
Things that automatically happen to certain leads?
Where can a club find the html for their web developer to set up the lead

Setup>Misc. Setup>Add Lead Widget(API)
Where can I find a report where it shows agreements sold by staff members and the conversion?
Reports>Intelligence>Sales Process

Where can I find the class conversion?
Reports>Intelligence>Class Conversion

Where can I find lead conversion?
Reports>Intelligence>Lead Conversions

Where can I find a report that shows how members heard about the club?

Where can I find what leads filled out a form and converted?
Reports>intelligence>Form Conversions

Where can I see a report of all forms and who signed it?
Reports>Intelligence>Form Detail

Where can a club setup their sales goals?
Setup>General>Club Targets

Where can I setup how a check-in kiosk looks?
Setup>General>Check in Kiosk

Where can a club edit what shows when a club checks in via the kiosk?
Setup>General>Check in Kiosk>Functionality

Where can a club add a message to populate when a member checks in via the kiosk?
Setup>General>Check in Kiosk>Messages/Ads

Where can a club change/apply the payroll eligibility?
Setup>Scheduling>General Settings>Apply Payroll Eligibility

Where can a club turn on Auto Session Cleanup?
Setup>Scheduling>General Settings>Auto Session Cleanup

Where can a club setup the time when specific customers can check in?
Setup>Scheduling>Club Access Times

Where can a club set what session credits are necessary for sessions?
Setup>Scheduling>Session Credit Grouping.

Where can you find the html for the class schedule widget?
Setup>Scheduling>Class Schedule Widget

Where can a club setup/see the payment gateways that are setup?
Setup>Sales>Payment Gateway Settings

Where can a club setup discount schemes for members?
Setup>Sales>Discount Schemes

What is a discount scheme based by?
Membership type/Ameneties

Where can a club see a report of all the drafts within a certain time period?
Reorts>Sales>Draft Report

Where can a DIY import a list of returns provided from their merchant?
Reports>Sales>Import Returns

Where can you generate a report of members with a certain amount of credits left?
Reports>Credits/Bookings>Members By Type

Where do you find a list of how much each staff member sold?
Reports>Staff>Staff Gross Sales

Where do you fine the report of how much CR takes from the club?
Reports>Misc. Reports>Remit Reports

Where do I find a report of how much a club owes their PIF customers if they end their agreement early.
Reports>Misc. Reports>Agreements Liability

Where do you fine a full list of customer files?
Reports>Misc. Reports>Client Files

Where can a corporate member receive an email of all new agreements for the district?
corporate login Setup>Communication>New Agreement Emails

Where can a corporate member receive their daily production report?
Corporate Login Setup>Communication>DPR

What is an internal hold?
a hold put on an invoice for CR to check and see if it went through or was declined

Where can you find the corporate URL?
In back office clubs>corporate login>edit chain

Where can you set the corporate reporting period for widgets and commissions?
In back office clubs>corporate login>edit chain

Where do you go to change a corporate members status to a club staff member?
In back office Misc>Tools>Move Corporate Level Employee To Club Level

What is a session credit group?
Services and class credits can typically only be used to make bookings where the type of booking matches the session credit type. You can create groupings of session and class credit types so a certain type of credit can be used to book a different type of service or class so long as it is within a services / classes group.

How do you send an email to people with a certain primary trainer?
Members> Lookup> Filters> Primary Trainer Filter> Email tab

Who can fill out a fitness evaluation?

What does Not 3rd Party- Still Cancelled mean when managing a 3rd party agreement?
Changes the status to cancelled, instead of 3rd party, and leaves all invoices cancelled as well. 

What does Re-instate mean when managing a 3rd party agreement?
Reinstates the customer's invoices that were placed in 3rd party status. This does not give you the opportunity to choose to have the agreement auto-renew as the option mentioned in the above section will. 

What does Settlement mean when managing a 3rd party agreement?
This allows you to mark the amount that the customer paid to the third party agency (outside of ClubReady). Invoices will not be reinstated, but an invoice will be created and marked as paid for the settlement amount.